I stop writhing and begin to elongate my body in preparation of moving on as it is not in my interests to stay in this situation for much longer. I thrust my head forwards and the front half of my body follows becoming longer, thinner and more taught. My head then holds still and the relaxed thickness of my rear end ripples towards the front, as if being conducted, and draws my tail along with it. I am travelling now. I will seek a sheltered corner, between the lower trunk of a tree and the bottom of a fence perhaps, or just any crevice that will keep me from the glare of the sun. Once there I will squirm again, but with more purpose than before using my head and mouth to break up the surface of the ground and begin to make my way under. Back into the shelter of below and the freedom of a lost sense of self. I will take leave of my body, but continue to live and churn the earth. Beneath your feet.
- Ben Doherty, The Worm